Brandon Abelard

Brandon Abelard

Licensed Real Estate Salesperson

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Client Testimonials

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"Brandon couldn’t have been more helpful. It was my first experience of an overseas property purchase & we completed the whole process virtually. Brandon went above and beyond to make everything as easy as possible for me. He is a great person to work with, trustworthy and knowledgable. I highly recommend him." - Nicola

"Brandon was entirely instrumental in helping us find our dream home. He was attentive, helpful, kind, and professional. He always responded swiftly and was able to answer all our questions. He showed us quite a few apartments, all carefully chosen to fit our criteria (even when our criteria changed by the hour sometimes!). In the end, we had two incredible apartments to choose between and once we did, he helped us with the entire application process, which was quite involved as we wound up with a co-op arrangement and had to make several changes to the final contract. All in all, we couldn't be happier with Brandon and his work and will happily recommend his services to anyone we know who's looking for a new home." - Eric
About Brandon
For Brandon Abelard, having a career in real estate is a fulfillment of a dream he nurtured since childhood. Growing up in Los Angeles, Brandon's curiosity in real estate began at a very young age. Admiring dozens of beautiful homes, he repeatedly asked questions about architecture, prices and the history of houses while his parents drove throughout their neighborhood and adjacent areas.

Having worked professionally in Real Estate for more than 12 years, he has amassed a wealth of experience and in different facets of the industry and established himself as a knowledgeable, competitive and highly customer-oriented professional. With a strong academic background in Business Management, Brandon has had extensive experience in diverse fields, including marketing, business development, project management, and operations from the corporate level to managing some of the nation's top producing luxury real estate sales teams. Through these experiences, he has gained an arsenal of universal skills and talents that have spurred his career to success.

Brandon is extremely informative and takes time to empower his sellers and buyers to make educated and confident decisions. He is a great listener with impeccable communication skills and expresses genuine interests to his clients needs and gives them a peace of mind through challenging processes. His charisma and positive personality makes it very easy for people to interact with him, as he is dedicated, focused and determined to deliver exceptional results. Working with Brandon, you will immediately confide in his work ethic and aspirant motions to create a long lasting relationship with his clients.

Sellers benefit from Brandon's ability to blend his skills as a marketing manager with his talents of analyzing the market, utilization of innovative technology, marketing strategies and the powerful use of social media. As the founder of an Interior Design Company, he naturally has a keen eye for style, design aesthetics and offers sellers valuable insights on décor throughout the staging process to improve the appeal of their home to buyers. There is nothing more gratifying than having a satisfied client.

Besides real estate, Brandon loves the arts, fashion, travel, design, photography, sports, history, theatre, and outdoors.. Contact him today and feel the joy of being served by a diligent, friendly, highly productive and determined Real Estate Salesperson. 

Brandon Abelard’s Listings

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